Hey everyone.
Hows it been going?
I know its been ages since I have uploaded a song, well I'm just super busy with college at the moment. I'm in my final year of music production and I just have so many assignments...but...
I have a upcoming assignment which will have me uploading more finally :)
Soon I'll have to begin work on my CDP assignment (Career Development Project). Basically just get myself out there in the world and make a presence for myself.
As part of this theres a large internet side, i.e. making myself a somewhat known name on certain mediums.
I have for obvious reasons chosen Newgrounds, considering I already have a small following here!
A big thing my lectures want us to do is use Social Media...so you know where this is going hahaha :)
Facebook...I gotta use it. For the sake of my assignment, if you like my tunes head on over and hit the like button.
You'd be helping me out in so many ways.
Anyway, more songs soon, really cool one thats way overdue!
Thanks :)
It's been long..
Hope your doing well in college!
CDP, eh?
Add me as a friend?
"The Audiophile".
Yeah mate no worries.
Be sure to like my facebook :)
New songs soon!